Ceramix™ Therapy Kool MeshKnit™ Sheet with Detachable Neck
$ 295.00
BioCeramic™ infused 340g (12oz) Kool MeshKnit™ with Double buckle front and dual low cross t-lock sucingles.
- Helps to Increase Circulation
- Helps to Reduce Warm-Up Time
- Helps to Soothe Muscles After Training
- Helps to Reduce Inflammation and Arthritic Pain
- Helps to Speed Up Recovery After Injury
A cost-effective and powerful solution for rehab, recovery, and preventative maintenance. Material is heat infused with a natural BioCeramic™ compound that emits Far-Infrared (FIR) rays that reflect heat back expanding blood vessels helping to increase circulation allowing the body to fuel working muscles and repair damage.